The high requirements with regard to flight experience and skills of the pilot are the reason why flying with underload has to be learned in different stages. HESLO 1 stands for Helicopter External Sling Load Operations 1 and is the first stage that must be passed through. The basic prerequisite for starting this training are:

  • CPL(H) / ATPL(H)
  • PIC helicopter: Min. 300 h or 500 h for mountain ops
  • Min. 10 h on type of helicopter
  • HESLO ground instruction completed

CentralHeli offers HESLO 1 training (length of transport line up to 20 m) and HESLO 2 training (length of transport line unlimited) in cooperation with its experienced transport pilots and aircraft marshallers. The training for HESLO 1 takes about 20 to 25 flight hours (up to 'mission ready'), spread over two months. It is adapted to the requirements, the level of education and the licenses of the pilot. Our Bell 206B-III Jet Ranger helicopter with its powerful RR 250-C20R turbine is used for this training. Besides load hook, it is also equipped with a “bubbledoor” which is rare for this model. On request, our Bell 407 can also be used for training.

HESLO 1 Training Mission in Buttwil

HESLO Sling load operations course June 2020

Are you fascinated by sling load operations? Would you like to see yourself at the top of the long line?

This June we are running a HESLO course for task specialists and pilots.

Together with our experienced instructors, we will take you to the world of external sling load operations.